
Automotive technology has changed a great deal over the last century. From electric cars to autonomous vehicles, the way we travel is constantly evolving, making many people ask: What is the future of automotive technology?

At ARRK Asia, we have been providing manufacturing support to many automotive companies to reach their milestones, giving us a glimpse into the automotive industry’s future, from passengers’ experience to what car manufacturers are looking to improve. Let’s get into it.

What Lies Ahead for Cars and Passengers?


While the automobile has evolved over the years, its fundamental nature hasn’t changed much. However, advancements in computer science and automation are reasons why the automotive industry needs to keep up-to-date; the car of tomorrow will continue to improve—and even transform. Some examples include autonomous driving and electric vehicles.

Soon, self-driving cars will change how we move. Autonomous vehicles won’t be limited to luxury rides. In fact, they might be affordable for the average consumer. Technology advances, making it important for car manufacturers to improve design and safety features.

What Are Car Manufacturers Doing to Enhance Design and Safety Features?

1. Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS)

The ADAS includes automatic emergency braking, lane departure warning, and vehicle-to-vehicle communication technology. ADAS software uses cameras, radar, lidar, ultrasound sensors, GPS receivers, and communications links to provide information about the environment around vehicles. With this information, it makes decisions based on this data.

2. Active Safety Measures

These measures include autonomous emergency braking, forward collision alert, adaptive cruise control, blind spot monitoring, automatic high beams, and others. These technologies rely on sensor fusion algorithms that integrate information from different types of sensors and use them to make decisions about what actions need to be taken.

3. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Intelligent Transportation Systems is an umbrella term for any combination of active safety equipment, ITS infrastructure (roads), ITS services (road management, traffic signals, etc.), and advanced driver assistance systems. Such systems help improve road safety, enhance environmental sustainability, reduce travel time, fuel consumption, and emissions, and address congestion issues.

4. Telematics

Telematics refers to the integration of communications and information technology with telecommunications. In the context of automobiles, telematics refers to the use of cellular telephone networks, satellite navigation, global positioning systems, Internet connectivity, wireless communication such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and wireless fidelity, along with various other forms of computerized technology to automate many aspects of automobile operation.

5. Data Analytics

Data analytics uses computers and statistical techniques to analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and relationships. Automotive engineers increasingly rely on data analytics and machine learning techniques in their research, product development, and manufacturing processes.

6. Vehicle Cybernetics

Vehicle Cybernetics studies the relationship between human perception, behavior, and artificial intelligence in vehicles. As cars increasingly become connected devices, vehicles’ ability to interpret and respond to changing conditions enhances driving safety and efficiency.

7. Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are self-driving vehicles capable of sensing their surroundings without human intervention. The advent of fully autonomous vehicles could significantly transform mobility. Autonomous vehicles would eliminate much of today’s traffic accidents and lower insurance rates. However, they pose serious concerns regarding public acceptance, policy formulation, liability, privacy, job loss, and legal regulations.

What Would the Future of Transportation Look Like for Our Transportation Systems?

Automakers are continuing to improve the design and safety features of vehicles. At the same time, AI is integrated into every aspect of car operation. Today, self-driving cars are becoming more common. Google’s self-driving car project began in 2010, and since then, other companies such as Tesla have joined its ranks. Most recently, Uber launched its autonomous vehicle program called Waymo.

Self-driving cars are slowly taking over our roads, but what comes next? At ARRK Asia, we can help automotive companies reach their rapid prototyping and manufacturing capabilities to push the future of transportation and their business. Contact us today to see how we can help your project.

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